Welcome to Cheder Lubavitch of Arizona!
Thank you for your interest in Cheder Lubavitch of Arizona. We are thrilled that you are looking into our school for your child(ren)! Please fill out the form below and our Admissions Department will reach out to you shortly.

Year of Interest
What school year are you interested in?*

Student Information
First Name*
Last Name*
Birthday (month/day/year)*

Grade applying for*

Current school child is attending*
Current Grade*

All previous schools child has attended

Has your child ever been educationally evaluated (including gifted and talented), had emotional, social, or behavioral issues that required professional help, accommodations and/or is receiving any support services? Please attach all relevant test results and recommendations with this application*

Please Explain

Please upload all files here.

Parent Information
Mother Title*
Mother First Name*
Mother Last Name*

Jewish by birth*
Jewish by conversion

Mother Cell*
Home Phone
Mother Email*

Street Address*

Zip Code*

Marital Status*

Father Title*
Father First Name*
Father Last Name*

Jewish by birth*
Jewish by conversion

Father Cell*
Father Email*

Additional Information
How did you hear about Cheder?*

Synagogue *

Why are you considering Cheder for your child(ren)?*

Additional information you would like us to know or that you would like to know:

Thank You
Thank you for requesting information regarding Cheder Lubavitch Arizona!

Our Admissions Department will reach out to you shortly. In the meantime, please enjoy our website which offers a preview of what Cheder is all about. We look forward to meeting you soon.