Beis Chana Admissions 2025-2026

Thank you for your interest in Beis Chana High School of Arizona!

To access the Beis Chana Admissions application form, you will need to create an account on Parent Locker if you don't already have one.

Steps in the Admissions Process are as follows:
Fill out Beis Chana Admissions application form and return all necessary documents and a picture of your daughter to our office. Additionally, please submit the principals' forms to the appropriate offices.

Once the application is submitted and processed, references will be contacted to determine your daughter's suitability to Beis Chana. If she seems to be a good fit, you will be sent instructions to access an Entrance Exam to be completed under "test conditions", and returned within a week.

A (Zoom) interview will be arranged, where Mrs. Majesky will assess your daughter’s suitability to the Beis Chana program.

Please feel free to contact the school at 602-422-0341, ext. 104 for any questions about our program that you may have or ext. 102 for support with the application process.

We look forward to meeting you and your daughter and to becoming a partner with you in her chinuch, bez”H!
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